When Be, Inc. was marked for death
(too old to reply)
Enjo-Kosai Rules
2005-06-26 19:37:18 UTC

The CC Quizbowl in which Gassee humiliated Bill Gates in front of the entire
You need to BeDoper

187 All Cops

Gortician - 1000 Days in Sodom (Venom Cover) with Jeremy of Despondency
2005-08-25 19:48:00 UTC
Who cares about humiliating Bill Gates. No one uses BEOS. That's by far the
bigger humiliation.
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
The CC Quizbowl in which Gassee humiliated Bill Gates in front of the entire
You need to BeDoper
187 All Cops
Gortician - 1000 Days in Sodom (Venom Cover) with Jeremy of Despondency
Ivan Marsh
2005-08-25 20:00:05 UTC
Post by Bob
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
The CC Quizbowl in which Gassee humiliated Bill Gates in front of the
entire industry...
Bill Gates has done enough to humiliate himself in front of the entire
industry during demonstrations of his own product.
Post by Bob
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
Thu, 25 Aug
Who cares about humiliating Bill Gates. No one uses BEOS. That's by far
the bigger humiliation.
I wouldn't say no one... and I'd say for a new commercial OS BeOS had a
pretty good run.

I tried it... It was alright but it didn't fill any need I couldn't
already fill.
"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed."
Benjamin Franklin (I didn't know he was a Buddhist)
2005-08-26 01:30:48 UTC
You make some very good points. Like BEOS "HAD" a good run, and "it didn't
fill any need I coudn't already fill". You have pointed out very good
reasons to scrap BEOS and move forward. Like Bill Gates or not, his OS is
still selling, whereas BEOS is all washed up, finished, a big waste of time.
There are only 17 people using BEOS. Why become proficient in something that
is off the beaten path, namely BEOS ? Why become proficient in something
that has been a failure, namely BEOS ?
Post by Ivan Marsh
Post by Bob
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
The CC Quizbowl in which Gassee humiliated Bill Gates in front of the
entire industry...
Bill Gates has done enough to humiliate himself in front of the entire
industry during demonstrations of his own product.
Post by Bob
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
Thu, 25 Aug
Who cares about humiliating Bill Gates. No one uses BEOS. That's by far
the bigger humiliation.
I wouldn't say no one... and I'd say for a new commercial OS BeOS had a
pretty good run.
I tried it... It was alright but it didn't fill any need I couldn't
already fill.
"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed."
Benjamin Franklin (I didn't know he was a Buddhist)
(Not Necessarily) Jason Gortician
2005-08-26 03:38:01 UTC
Post by Bob
You make some very good points. Like BEOS "HAD" a good run, and "it
didn't fill any need I coudn't already fill". You have pointed out
very good reasons to scrap BEOS and move forward. Like Bill Gates or
not, his OS is still selling, whereas BEOS is all washed up, finished,
a big waste of time. There are only 17 people using BEOS. Why become
proficient in something that is off the beaten path, namely BEOS ? Why
become proficient in something that has been a failure, namely BEOS ?
I'm sure that's why Microsoft keeps incorporating Be's designs into


June 28th, 2005 4.20am AST | Sincere form of flattery Edition
Microsoft Hires Ex-Be Employee
Exclusive Interview!

Story Submission by StephenB.
June 28th, 2005

BeDoper News has recently learned that Media Preferences - a former
prominent Be Inc. employee - has been hired by Microsoft. We have
obtained a photgraph (shown at right) of Media Preferences hard at work
in Microsoft's upcoming Longhorn OS.

Long a familiar face in the BeOS world, Media Preferences was kind enough
to grant us a short interview.

BD: So how did you end up at Microsoft?
MP: Well, after Be went under, I handed out a lot of resumes and one of
them ended up at Microsoft. They were really impressed by how much more
talented I was than their current guy - he can't even control the volume
of individual applications, or set the recording source/ levels without
multiple windows.

BD: Are you busier at Microsoft than you were at Be?
MP: Not really, since doing audio work on Windows is just such a pain,
people don't need me nearly as much now. So I've been catching up on my
wreathing - I make wreathes, you know - and other hobbies, like skiing.

BD: So have the Microsoft folks been welcoming to you, or is there
tension because you used to work for a competing company?
MP: Naw, everyone here's been great so far. I mean, as long as you like
guys who own nothing but golf shirts and khakis - is that the official
MCSE uniform or something?

MP: And Ballmer doesn't usually jump around and scream like that. Only
when he wins at Freecell - which is suprisingly seldom. Oh, and I'm not
the only ex-Be guy here, there's also my dawg, People (shown at right).

Editor's Note: We had intended to ask futher questions, but unfortunately
Media Preferences encountered an error that prevented him from

-BeDoper News
Tell Them the King of Brawl Hall Sent You

You need to BeDoper
(Not Necessarily) Jason Gortician
2005-08-26 03:35:02 UTC
Post by Bob
Who cares about humiliating Bill Gates. No one uses BEOS. That's by
far the bigger humiliation.
You clearly have your finger on the pulse of the world.
Post by Bob
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
The CC Quizbowl in which Gassee humiliated Bill Gates in front of the
Post by Enjo-Kosai Rules
Tell Them the King of Brawl Hall Sent You

You need to BeDoper